Intro to Herbalism 101

Welcome to Intro to Herbalism 101!

Are you fascinated by the world of natural healing? Do you want to tap into the age-old wisdom of herbs and their potent benefits? Welcome to Intro to Herbalism 101 - your gateway to understanding and harnessing the incredible power of herbs!

This course is designed to introduce beginners to the foundational concepts and practices of herbalism. You will learn herbal terminology, safety guidelines, basic principles of herbal energetics, safe and sustainable foraging practices, information about 15 of the most commonly worked with herbs and the basics of making herbal medicine.

Here is what you will learn:

  • Course Introduction:

    • Overview of the course objectives and structure.

    •  Importance and benefits of herbalism.

     - Herbal Terminology

    • Introduction to common herbal terms (e.g., preparations, actions, energetics, etc.).

    • Understanding plant nomenclature: common names vs. botanical names.

    • Glossary of key herbal terms for reference.


    • Recommended book and supply list.

    • Online resources and communities for herbalists.

  • - Herbal Safety Guidelines

    • Importance of proper identification and sourcing.

    • Safe dosage and administration of herbs.

    • Potential herb-drug interactions and contraindications.

    • Understanding individual sensitivities and allergies.

  • - Introduction to Energetics

    • Understanding the concept of energetics in herbalism (e.g., warm, cool, dry, moist, tone, lax).

    • How energetics relate to the body’s constitution and imbalance.

    - Practical Applications

    • Matching herbs to individual needs based on energetic principles.

    • Practice examples.

  • - Foraging Fundamentals

    • Introduction to ethical and safe foraging practices.

    • Tools and equipment recommended for foraging.

    - Plant Identification

    • Using field guides and plant identification apps.

    • Common edible and medicinal plants.

    - Foraging Etiquette

    • Respect for public and private lands.

    • Leave no trace principles.

    • Conservation practices and respect for nature.

    • Avoiding endangered species and overharvesting.

    • Understanding and following local regulations.

    • A quick and easy overview of commonly worked with herbs:

    1. Plantain

    2. Calendula

    3. Chamomile

    4. Tulsi

    5. Dandelion

    6. Burdock

    7. Nettle

    8. Yarrow

    9. Ginger

    10. Echinacea

    11. Elderberry

    12. St. John’s Wort

    13. Passionflower

    14. Lemon balm

    15. Rose

  • - Introduction to Herbal Preparations

    • Overview of different types of herbal preparations (tinctures, teas, salves, syrups, etc.).

      - Hands-on Medicine Making

    • ·Step-by-step guide to making basic herbal remedies:

    1. Tinctures

    2. Infusions and Decoctions

    3. Vinegars and Oxymels

    4. Syrups

    5. Oil infusions

    6. Salves and Balms

      - Storage and Shelf Life

    • Proper storage techniques for herbal preparations.

    • Understanding shelf life and signs of spoilage.

  • -Course Project & Chat

    • ·Course project: Create a personalized herbal remedy based on what you have learned.

    • Sharing experiences and learnings from the project – Live chat session about what you’ve learned and how your herbal preparation is working for you.

*This course outline is not definitive and may change as I’m navigating through the process of creating the course.

Ready to Embark on Your Herbal Journey?

Get on the waitlist for Intro to Herbalism 101 today and get ready to start your adventure into the world of natural healing. Reconnect with nature, empower yourself with knowledge and embrace a healthier, more holistic lifestyle.